Beady Princesses & Heroes
Er du vild med at lægge perler? Tag med på eventyr med Monky Tonky og alle hans venner.
Du får adgang til ikke mindre end 40 seje og sjove Monky Tonky perlemotiver, der er perfekte til både drenge og piger. Ideelt til børn mellem 4-10 år.
Risiko for kvælning.
Små dele og kugle.
Beady Pegboards
Beady Scraper
HAMA Beads in 18 colours
Beady Bead tray
Unique Patterns
Once upon a time... Classic fairy tales never go out of fashion, and now you can create your own patterns with Beady Princesses & Heroes.
Lose yourself in the story with 40 unique patterns and bring the stories to life with creative beading and lots of digital possibilities. Beady Princesses & Heroes opens up a whole universe of cool and fun patterns for both boys and girls. The unique 40 patterns fit 4 pegboards and are only available in this box. Beady Pegboards fits perfectly on tablet and phone, and the intuitive icon system for the colours makes it easy for everyone to join in. Beady Princesses & Heroes is the perfect gift - both for yourself and the ones you love.
+15.000 familier elsker vores produkt.